Missions & Outreach

Missions & Outreach

Missions is the heart of our Christian family.  We have many opportunities in our church, community, and world. Contact our Missions or Witness Chairpersons about how you can be involved in these wonderful ministries.

Mission Ministry in our Community

Shared Pantry

We’re collecting donations for church members and the Justa Center. Stop by if you need non-perishable food, toiletries, or cleaning supplies. For safety, pick-ups are limited to our church community and close friends. We’re also accepting donations to support local charities in need. Sign up

Shared Pantry

Justa Center

The Justa Center offers resources and support to help homeless seniors find housing and prevent homelessness. Desert Foothills partners with this ministry to assist seniors in transitioning to stable housing. Click below to learn more about this vital work.

Justa Center

Ministry in Our World

Fuente de Vida Church in Agua Prieta, Mexico

  • Feliz Navidad Bags
  • Mother's Day Boxes

Fry's Cards for Missions

Remember to Link your Fry's Rewards to Desert Foothills United Methodist Church so that a percentage of your purchases can go to DFUMC Missions (at no cost to you)!  If you have any questions or will be enrolling for the first time, don't hesitate to get in touch with Shirley Coomer or call the VIP number:  1-800-828-5235 and they will walk you through the process OR click the button below to find information and link to sign up!
Link Fry's Card