We all experience challenges in life, times when we could benefit from care and support. Stephen Ministers can provide the emotional and spiritual care you may need when faced with a problem or life challenge.
Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who have received extensive training to provide high-quality Christian care to individuals concerned about a life situation. They listen to, care about, pray with, support, and encourage you. They will be there with you when you experience a separation or divorce, the loss of a loved one, unemployment, illness, discouragement, loneliness. or any other challenge you may face.
This is a non-professional confidential ministry offered to the congregation and the community. People receiving this support are matched with a Stephen Minister of the same gender. The identity of those receiving care and everything they discuss with the Stephen Minister remains private.
Stephen Leaders, in addition to their Stephen Minister training, have received further instruction in this ministry. Working as a team with the pastor, they support and provide continuing education for Stephen Ministers.
Our Stephen Leaders are: Dave Gould and Sharon Newman-Matt.
If you feel you could benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister, and want to have a confidential conversation about that care, don't hesitate to get in touch with the church office at 480-460-1025 or
to be referred to our Stephen Minister Referral Coordinator.